First Love
Little girls love horses.
I know the feeling well.
There’s not an Earthly fragrance
that this nose would rather smell.
Little girls love horses.
Thank goodness that they do.
Much better to love than boys.
Most women know this to be true.
Little girls love horses.
Galloping in the pasture.
Trots up to the fence to snicker,
“Hello there, loving Master.”
Little girls love horses,
It’s a dream that we’ve all had.
Remember that first time,
being tossed up by mom or dad?
Little girls love horses,
Lifting and picking feet.
And if you ask them nicely,
they will, and not miss a beat.
Little girls love horses.
Braiding tails, twisting manes.
The feeling in your fingers
of the soft and supple reins.
Little girls love horses.
Saddling from a stool.
Don’t slam it on their back!
Is a good horsewoman’s rule.
Little girls love horses.
Jumping logs in forests,
Don’t you dare tell Mom!
It’s our little secret of course.
Little girls love horses.
Let’s picnic over there.
We’ll make a daisy crown,
and tie it in your gorgeous hair.
Little girls love horses.
Smiling, laughing, loping.
Riding's a good practice,
and a healthy way of coping.
Little girls love horses.
Feeding cores and carrots.
The favorite treats to reward,
their good, kind, gentle merits.
Little girls love horses,
Hugging them from their back.
It’s a different posture,
most horse riders have the knack.
Little girls love horses,
No saddling today.
I’ll mount up from a tree stump,
and then we’ll quickly ride away.
Little girls love horses,
Give that coat some extra shine.
I thank God for you daily,
and cannot believe you are mine.