Neta Tennison
"Liz Hughey has written a wonderful story to help children learn that everyone makes mistakes and that it is not hard to make a success out of a mistake if everyone will work together to fix it. What happens to this mule string is the a true life lesson for every boy and girl. It is written in a manner that is easy for any child to understand and have fun reading at the same time. Pack String Hang-Up…A Mule Trail Tale is a wonderful book that should be part of your family library."
— Neta Tennison
Ms. Freddy Dunn
”Take your kids or grandchildren on this story book pack trip as a memorable message is delivered by an adorable bunch of long ears. The experience is real and the lesson is invaluable. The author and illustrator are to be commended for both.”
— Ms. Freddy Dunn
Sarah Steever
“Beautifully illustrated, Trash Talk tells an important story about the responsibility everyone needs to have in exercising good stewardship of our beautiful parks system. We have all experienced the disappointment of being at a park and having to deal with others carelessness, and Trash Talk has the noble goal of helping our next generation take better care of our resources. Trash Talk is also educational, opening up the little-known world of horses and pack mules to a new audience of children through a loveable mule named Scrapper. It is a perfect read-along book, with additional educational information to help tell the story.”
— Sarah Steever
Laine Raia
“Springtime Dangers and Delights is a definite delight with its whimsical illustrations and author Liz Hughey’s simple message that young children to whom it is targeted can easily relate and absorb.
Liz’s straightforward teaching approach underlines her unique ability to know her audience. Springtime Dangers and Delights is a must read for every child fortunate enough to encounter springtime nature on an up close and personal level.”
— Laine Raia
Laine Raia
“Liz Hughey’s enchanting little tale of a delightful little mule will not only make her young readers smile, the story of Barney’s efforts to be the best little mule he can be will motivate boys and girls to pursue their own potential. From seeking the friendship and approval of their friends to becoming a sought after teammate, children will realize that, Yes! I can do that, too!”
— Laine Raia
Cindy Hotz
Everything about Barney is adorable! The story is so true regardless if it is a human or an animal. The illustrations are perfect for the story! It's just wonderful! Liz definitely nailed it!"
— Cindy Hotz
Meredith Hodges
“Liz Hughey & Son’s, Barney The Lopsided Mule, is a wonderful, whimsical story that poses solutions to some simple, yet important issues that often plague children. Barney meets a new friend with a new perspective that positively changes Barney’s life forever. Bonnie Shields’ illustrations engage the reader and complement the author in teaching children valuable information about health, happiness and safety with pack mules while exploring some of the most amazing options that our country has to offer. Truly a delight and a “must-have” for your children’s library!”
— Meredith Hodges