Willow Fire
Leaves are fallen and snow is here;
the first to stay of the winter year.
Autumns’ splendor gone to grey and white.
But, the willow branches burn.
Quiet with no leaves on the trees,
barren branches swaying in the breeze.
Late fall wind scorches skin like the sun,
But, the willow branches burn.
Spruce hold the snowflakes in their arms,
as they fall like sparkling diamond charms.
Evergreens sag under all the weight.
But, the willow branches burn.
The air is cold and the Earth is wet.
Winter’s trail isn’t quite frozen yet.
It’s a muddy, sloppy, slippery mess,
But, the willow branches burn.
Burning red, yellow, orange, pink, and green.
The only colors to be seen.
Fall and winter are the seasons to see,
the willow branches burn.